In this first singing lesson, time is taken to get to know each other. I briefly explain my working method. And during this trial lesson you can indicate what your wishes, ambitions and expectations are. Through a number of voice and singing exercises I can make a ‘scan’ of your current voice condition. So I immediately can give a clear indication of what you can work on and what the first steps are to improve your singing technique. We then will start working on a song that you have brought along. If you bring the sheet music or chord progression, I can accompany you on piano. We can also choose a song together. The chords of many songs are easy to find on the internet. I recommend choosing a song that you already know and enjoy singing, for this trial lesson. At the end of the lesson, I will make a summary of your wishes and my analysis, so I can give you a step-by-step plan on how we can work on this together as optimally as possible!

This trial lesson of 45 minutes costs € 38,- (from 21 years + 21% VAT).
A duo trial lesson of 60 minutes is also possible. This amounts € 31,- p.p. (from 21 years + 21% VAT).